Mogadishu, 05, August, 2023… The Somali Women Journalists Rights Association (SOJRA) has today launched five days of poats mentoring workshop for 50 emerging female poats in Mogadishu today. The workshop is funded by AFAC ARAB FUND FOR ARTS AND CULTURE.
The colorful event was opened by the head of Somali Academy of Science, Culture and Arts Mr. Abdirizak Omar Hussein Maah. He emphasized the importance of arts and culture in society. He said that Somalis are people of poats.
The spokeswoman of the Somali National Women Association Halima Moalim Abukar has welcomed the mentoring workshop, saying that many young female poets will benefit from this training.
In her opening remarks, the executive director of SOWJRA Leila Adeed has said that this workshop is paramount for female poats that want to diplay their talents.
"The workshop is about encouraging the emerging female poats in Somalia who have a talents. We will teach them how to compose poets, make stories, play cultural dances and many more thing." She said IFJ - International Federation of Journalists UNDP in Somalia Press freedom Foundation UNICEF Somalia UN Women National Committee United States UNFPA Somalia United Nations Human Rights UN Women IWMF ATMIS AFAC - The Arab Fund for Arts and Culture