Somali women journalists’ rights association funded by UNFP and partner with Y-PEER has held media training for 20 female journalist to convey anti-child and early marriage campaign in Middle Shebelle region.
The workshop has been opened by Mr. Mohamed Abdi Sheik (Handow) the deputy commissioner of middle Shebelle region explained how happy he is with the activities of SOWJRA and also thanked to UNFP for funding and Y-PEER that is partner with SOWJRA,
The commissioner said while speaking with the trainees ‘ we should ask each other, is there child and early marriage in our different districts in Middle Shebelle region ?... I believe it exists, and we should do something by using those whom are now participating this workshop’
‘I hope media will disseminate what they have learnt here to their needy community to be aware what a negative impact child marriage has’ said the executive director of Ministry of information in middle Shebelle region Mr. Mohamed Mo\alim Hassan (Kulmiye).
Osman Mohamed Moktar (Barey) the commissioner of Jowhar District in Middle Shebelle region, the commissioner stressed his words saying ‘it is existing problem and can only be solved with the cooperation between parents and community leaders’. On the other hand the commissioner told that he never saw child marriage occurred in Jowhar district and he also encouraged the media of middle Shebelle region that they can build or destroy their communities.
The community of Middle shabelle agreed the existence of child and early marriage because of lack of awareness, rules and regulations and also facilities that can sustain the efforts that has been done
the chair –lady of Somali women journalist rights association, Leila Aded Osman emotionally spoke about the impacts of child and early marriage on health and development of young girls pointing out that in every child and mother hospital could be seen a young mother experiencing C-section surgery or fistula occurred during maternity
‘if we don’t care our children and protect everything that can force to marry early, it means we are playing losing game’ said Leila Aded Osman the chair-lady of SOWJRA.
Mano Bello, an experienced journalist who had been working in media field last 17 years and now works with the ministry of information of middle shabelle region described that the biggest challenges are lack of intervention of the administration and lack of facilities that can cause the community to sustain fighting against child and early marriage.
‘ now in our district court there is a case of 14 years old girl who run away with her boyfriend and her father refused that his daughter is not legally wed-locked, while the boy’s family are arguing the girl is legally wed-locked,
One of the trainees who operate in radio station that airs only Health. Agriculture, education and economy (HELS) said ‘ I have never seen in Jowhar an awareness workshop about anti child and early marriage, but I would suggest this effort must not left behind